Thursday, March 5, 2009

Team Previews!

Ah, team previews.

A tired concept, yes. But it's early March and I need something to write about. I shall do my best to make it readable.

There will be seven categories per team, which will then give that team an average. I have no idea what the average means. That's for you to decide.

1. "Couch Factor" I am going to all 81 games this season, come Hell or high water. This "stat" describes just how much I am looking forward to getting my lazy ass off the couch to watch this team. A White Sox game in August, on a Saturday night? Good. Thursday afternoon vs Detroilet? Not so much.

2. "Love/ Hate Factor" Do you have Ronnie Belliard on your team? I hate you. But I love me some Vlad Guerrero! This is pure opinion, just the way I like it.

3. "Obnoxious Opposing Fan Factor" This one is pretty self-explanatory.

4. "BP Factor" Most games, I will be sitting in Upper General Admission. While I truly do not mind where I sit, obviously the earlier I get there the better. However, I am not going to show up at 5:30 to watch the Baltimore Poor-ioles hit worm burners up the middle no matter how good the seat.

5. "Tauntability" It's hard to taunt some dudes, because they flat out get it done. On the other hand, some teams are full of idiots readily available to be taunted.

6. "Would the Wife Go" While Wife loves her a good baseball game, she hates her a shitty one. For this category I will simply ask Wife if she would want to go see the team in question. Then, a random follow up question. Enjoy

7. "Is this team good?" I will rate the team 1-10. The criteria is not set in stone.

First up, will be the Baltimore Orioles..... Soon.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So, Chuck looks like he is, um.......

He's eating well at least. So that's good. Were chicken wings the culprit behind his insane inability to throw the ball to first base?

Gratuitous Gogo Quote of the Week (or so)

"I never think I'm going to be the leadoff for all my career," Gomez said. "I think when I get my experience and when I grow up, I will be in the other spots in the lineup -- the three hole, five hole -- and maybe move to right field. I know I can be this kind of player."

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jose Morales is Freakin Creepy looking!

Seriously, WTF?!

Lousy Smarch! Twins Sox 3/1/09

Holy crap. Three TV games in four days! Plus it's NESN again?! Whoopee!

Beckett vs Slow Dogg

12:09 To me, a Massachusetts accent sounds like a bad speech impediment. Like when people say wunnow instead of runner or wadow instead of water. This Mowningh. Ugh. What are you, 2 years old?

12:10 Joe Nathan withdraws from WBC with arm trouble. Johan scratched with elbow trouble... are these guys tryin to push it too far too soon to get in shape for the tourney? 1-2-3 for Slowey.

12:15 What is it that makes Josh Beckett so goofy looking? The tiny head with tiny beard combo? His chipmunk teeth? The constant chaw in his grill? Dude looks funny to me.
(P)Youk already shaved the Youk Fu? I don't see any sores... maybe they just aren't flaring up right now.

12:20 As Dick Bremer would say "Kevin Slowey, PERFECT through 2!" That guy can't WAIT to jinx a no-no. For Godsakes man, SHHHHHH!!! Just hint at it, hasn't Bert taught you anything. Milton and Erickson's no-nos HAD to have been sick Dick days.

12:27 I'm just going to come out and say this: I don't care for Joe Crede. I don't think he is better than average, though he is an upgrade (1-10) from Buscher (4) and Harris (5). On my personal scale Crede is about a 5.5-6. He has had a couple great years in UNREAL lineups.
Why are people like LaVelle calling him a "gold-glove caliber" defender? HE MADE 20 ERRORS in HALF A SEASON. He made one less error than league leader Yuniesky Betancourt in 56 LESS GAMES.

12:39 Gogo beats out an infield hit, these announcers will not shut up. "uhh.....we got great,um,ahhhhh.....farmplayerssowecanuh.......hopefully.....stand up to the, uh, Al, uh,East ahhh..."

12:43 Everyone in the stands is wearing a jacket and not looking too pumped up. In response I am wearing shorts and posting things on my facebook status like "Sittin by a pool in St.Paul haha 2 all u people in da cold of Ft Myers ;)" and "Livin in Minnie is so tight. I don't miss the TUNDRA of Florida, you suckers." I love those.

12:50 The crowd oohs and ahhs as Joe Crede hits a routine fly ball to left. Did they import these people directly from the Metrodome?

12:55 We are on our way to the bottom of the fifth after about 50 minutes. My father had an idea that, barring injury, pitchers should not be able to be removed until mid-inning. It keeps games to around two hours or less in spring games. It would only increase strategy, maybe it could be instituted in the AL only as a response to DH? Maybe another post entirely

1:00 Just read through my post, realized I hadn't mentioned a lick of game action. Then I realized there hasn't been any. Four total hits, all singles. One hit by the Twins, an infield Gogo number. Bo-ring. Where are my headbands?

1:03 A chubby batboy makes a sliding catch of a Punto liner. Wait a second!

1:05 Shaggy enters, hilarity sure to ensue. The first batter walks, let's see where Matty takes it from here. I assume an extra base hit...

1:09 Shaggy walks the next batter, some thing called Jonathan Van Every, and looks awful. The umpire admittedly missed a couple strike calls, but Van Every lazily swung at two pitches well out of the strike zone. Julio Lugo hits a single and loads 'em up with no outs. Welcome back, Matt.

1:12 Pedroia crushes one to Span at the warning track. The ball appeared to be on it's way out if not for a strong wind that knocked the ball straight down. David Ortiz follows with a DP, and this blog is about ready to hit the showers.....