Thursday, March 5, 2009

Team Previews!

Ah, team previews.

A tired concept, yes. But it's early March and I need something to write about. I shall do my best to make it readable.

There will be seven categories per team, which will then give that team an average. I have no idea what the average means. That's for you to decide.

1. "Couch Factor" I am going to all 81 games this season, come Hell or high water. This "stat" describes just how much I am looking forward to getting my lazy ass off the couch to watch this team. A White Sox game in August, on a Saturday night? Good. Thursday afternoon vs Detroilet? Not so much.

2. "Love/ Hate Factor" Do you have Ronnie Belliard on your team? I hate you. But I love me some Vlad Guerrero! This is pure opinion, just the way I like it.

3. "Obnoxious Opposing Fan Factor" This one is pretty self-explanatory.

4. "BP Factor" Most games, I will be sitting in Upper General Admission. While I truly do not mind where I sit, obviously the earlier I get there the better. However, I am not going to show up at 5:30 to watch the Baltimore Poor-ioles hit worm burners up the middle no matter how good the seat.

5. "Tauntability" It's hard to taunt some dudes, because they flat out get it done. On the other hand, some teams are full of idiots readily available to be taunted.

6. "Would the Wife Go" While Wife loves her a good baseball game, she hates her a shitty one. For this category I will simply ask Wife if she would want to go see the team in question. Then, a random follow up question. Enjoy

7. "Is this team good?" I will rate the team 1-10. The criteria is not set in stone.

First up, will be the Baltimore Orioles..... Soon.

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