Friday, May 15, 2009

Alex Rodriguez and his Aching Vagina

Dear Diary,

Today I woke up and boy, did my lil' vagina hurt. I rubbed it and put my special cream the doctor gave me on it but nothing could take away the hurt.

I called my bestest rich friend Mark Texasarea and he said that his pussy was hurting, too! What ever were we going to do?

We traced it back to that gosh-darned Carlos Gomez. When he ran into Mark Texasarea at first base, I sure was mad! I made sure to show the umpire exactly what Gomez did to him, by violently gesturing with my elbow! It looked EXACTLY LIKE I DID WHEN I TRIED TO SLAP THE BALL OUT OF ARROYO'S GLOVE IN THE ALCS!

God, why am I such a cheating, roid taking, pussy having bitch boy paper champion?

Please respond asap

Your Pal,


Thursday, May 14, 2009

On Children, Baseball and the Unhealthy Marriage Between the Two. G25

Sec227 R10xxxR9 S1xxxS4

So I have a "20 game Gold Glove" package of Twins season tickets. I realize this puts me low on the season ticket holder totem pole, but what happened today was pretty ridiculous.

Apparently, today was poorly supervised and under-chaperoned kids day at the Dome. (First of all I should note: I like kids just fine. They rub me the wrong way sometimes but for the most part I am patient enough to handle them just fine.) That being said, I was more than a little overwhelmed when I got to section 227 and saw my two seats taken by a pair of acne faced 12 year olds and my row, the row in front of it and the row behind me literally crammed with junior high kids.

We asked the kids to move, but they just gave us a bunch of attitude and went and talked to their teacher. Meanwhile I went and spoke to the usher, "Gar," who seemed crabby at best. I tried explaining my situation and I asked if we could move down a few rows. He replied that we could not, because those seats are $4 more per game. I was losing my patience and asked him if it was really necessary to make me sit in "the middle of a sea of pre-pubescent children." He responded that since my seats were on the aisle "I wasn't in the middle of anything." Asshole.

So we sat in our seats (which were being kicked the whole time) and waited for the game to begin. Within three minutes an overwhelmed teacher was on the steps sitting next to me. She wanted to see my tickets. I was happy to oblige, without making any eye contact. I was feeling less than generous at the time and was pretty upset at how the situation was unfolding.

"I was under the impression that we had reserved this block of seats," she began. "I want to see if you guys are in the right spot." She looked at the tickets and wouldn't you know it we were in the right seats. Weird. I barely ever come here I can't believe I was right.

"So guys, I'm not trying to tell you what to do but we were short a couple seats and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind moving down a row. Besides, you know how junior high kids will just be up and down the whole game so maybe you would just be more comfortable moving."

Fine. We will f-ing move. Out of my "Season Tickets." Into seats owned by someone else, who will inevitably show up in the third inning and make us get up and move embarrassingly in the middle of an inning. And wouldn't you know it, they did. So we moved in a few seats, behind a fried-out homeless guy and next to a lady who glared and plugged her ears every time I clapped.

The best part of row nine was the characters who insisted on getting up to smoke one-by-one at inappropriate times in the game. They included the guy who looked like he was in the Partridge Family in the 70's and never lost the haircut; The three lesbians (one of whom inexplicably wore a chef's hat); a guy that looked like Jon Voigt from 'Deliverance'; and a huge girl with an ankle, wrist and knee brace. At one point she had a tray with a waffle cone, beer, large soda, nachos and peanuts. Diabetes!

The tipping point was when I felt the drip down the back of my sweatshirt. Already sure I had been spilled on, I stood up to survey the damage. I was now wearing a malt cup, stick and all! I was delighted that not only had I been spilled on but that the fat turd girl (who had CLEARLY had enough malt cups for one pre-teen in her day) decided not to tell me this had happened allowing it to dry. It was at this point I called it a day.


Oh yeah- the Twins scored 6 runs in the bottom of the seventh off a depleted bullpen, namely Bobby Seay, to win 6-5.

DBAG Fan O' the Game!

This guy sprinted down an entire row to wrestle a foul ball out of an elderly man's hands. I am not exaggerating. He tore it from this poor guys mitts.

COMPANY:Isaac (1)
Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 26,046 (55.9% full)
Seat Cost: $21.00
Parking cost: $1.50
Total Spent: $22.50
Season Total: $307.29($12.29/gm)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Game 24- Five Hours and One Hell of an Ending.

240 R15S8 5/13/09

240 R15S8 5/13/09

Dontrelle Willis. What a joke. Baseball is a funny game. If you have one or two good seasons it seems as though there will almost always be a team willing to throw millions of dollars at you. Players like Lew Ford sometimes only need HALF a season of dec to be considered MLB worthy and stick around inexplicably for years.

So it goes.

This particular game was a back and forth affair, with the Twins down 10-9 going into the bottom of the bottom of the 13th at approximately 1140 PM. After scrapping together a run to tie it, Joe Crede Walked Off with a Grand Slam at 11:58. Sweet.


Ok so sometimes I go to Twins games all by my lonesome. It's a little akward but not a big deal. Sometimes, it can actually be really fun.

That being said, the hardest part is picking a spot to sit out in yourself. At this particular game I chose to sit pretty far up, so I wouldn't have to deal with too many people. There was a half row open in front of me and at least 15 open rows behind me.

So why the f did this teacher* need her class* to fill in the gd seats around me instead of just taking up a row or three DIRECTLY BEHIND ME! You had an ugly ass Tigers shirt on, and it made me NEED a Tigers loss, which I got in a most triumphant fashion. Good night, overbite!

COMPANY: None (9)
Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 22,178 (47.6% full)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: $1.50
Total Spent: $4.58
Season Total: $285.29($11.88/gm)

"'Everybody needed that ... except maybe the other side," said Twins manager Ron Gardenhire, as Thursday's noon start time loomed"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Game 23---Detroilet Edition.....

234 r10S1 5/12/09

At one point Armando Galaraagaaa was a hot commodity in my fantasy league. Armando Galarrraggaaa sucks donkey balls. He pitches at a terribly slow pace, and has no out pitch. He is like a skinny Boof Bonser. Easy Twins win. It should also be noted that Jim Leyland continues to disgust me. He is like the Grandpa I am glad I never had. I would be pissed off if I were the next manager to have to use the visiting manager's office and that crusty old queef had hot-boxed it with Marlboros the entire week before. (deep breath). You suck, Leyland!

Dbag Fan of the Hood-Game

"Bitch you don't know me. My ankle hurts, so my girl, her momma and my keeds needs to sit down herr in tha handizzle capped row. Hell Yeah I see them old folk walkin up seven rows to open seats but bitch my ankle hurt! Get off me!"

COMPANY: Zach (9)
Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 24,807 (53.2% full)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: $0
Total Spent: $3.08
Season Total: $280.71($12.20/gm)

"He hit it and I turned the wrong way," Thomas said. "So I probably could have had that one too, but I turned the wrong way off the jump and it got by me. That one was definitely hit better, so that would've been a harder play, but I still think I should've made it."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

And now, for a classic Sunday Letdown. 22

S234 R2S11 5/10/09

.... And then Jose Mijares entered the game. It was the top of the eight and the Twins were clinging to a 2-0 lead. As Jose wiggled and waddled his way to the mound, the domy sky suddenly turned a noticeable shade of gray. The crowd began fidgeting in their seats.

Some relaxed after Mijares retired Ichiro to open the inning but I knew better. This Twins bullpen is BAD. Historically bad. Ron Davis bad.

Gigantic Jose proceeded to walk the weak hitting Jose Lopez, bringing up the tying run in Ken Griffey, Jr. (Do we really need to add the "Jr" still? I mean, is anyone really gonna think the old Ken Griffey is still playing?) After Mi-so-hungry-ares fell behind 2-0 I turned to Zach and said something to the effect of "Fastball. Tie game. Not going to look." and buried my head in my hands. I heard the crack of the bat and the crowds sigh. Zach tells me the ball landed in the Subway HotSpot. Who the f cares. Good god. Sign Tony Fiore or something.

COMPANY: None (8)
Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 25,555 (54.8% full)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: $1.50
Total Spent: $4.58
Season Total: $277.63($12.61/gm)

Griffey's 26 homers at the Metrodome are the second-most by a visiting player, one behind Jim Thome. He hit it through a hole in a banner advertising a $25,000 giveaway for such a feat.