Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spring Training Game "Live Blog"

I'm going to watch spring training baseball. You will read about it....

4:08 Papa John's is called in. I ask them about sponsoring my blog and the guy seemed uninterested. Boy, will they regret it when this gets three page views.

4:10 Yipee! MLB Network is showing the YES Network feed for tonight's game. Having Thursday night's NESN telecast was pure delight, why, how could YES be any worse? (Starts plugging in ipod).

4:15 I do not like Joba Chamberlain. They treat this D bag like he is Steve Nebraska. With every pitch I pray for a fail.

4:15 A-Rod quadruple pumps to throw out Span. Insert quadruple pump sex joke here. Punto single! There's one of his 95 for the year.

4:16 Even the ball went cleanly into center, Punto dives into first. He's been doing it since little league, which makes it okay.

4:19 Delmon CRUSHES an RBI double off the wall, easily scoring Punto. This is followed by the announcer proclaiming "I kind of like this team in the AL Central" after three batters. In February.

4:20 Kubel SMASHES a ground rule double completely burning the right fielder. Joba this ass.

4:21 Busch moves Kubel to third with a grounder to short. What does Buscher need to do to get the nod over Crede? I say .430 5 HR 20 RBI. I don't think he will quite reach that. Glenn Williams, anyone?

4:31 Pizza Arrives. Updates likely more sporadic for a minute or twenty

4:32 Teixiera hits a double moving Jeter to third. That double cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $20,000. I hope it was worth it.

4:33 All Time Hated Player Nick Squisher is a Yankee. After being a White Sox, he literally went to the only team that is more hateable. Good news, your head still looks like a penis Congrats.

4:34 Squish hits a routine grounder to Luke Hughes, who throws an awful worm burner to Busch at first. Sigh. This won't work at all. If only there was somewhere to send these guys until they got a little better at baseball....

4:35 Larry-ahno does not look well at all. He is that weird F Bomb that flys open when he pitches, shows poor body language and simply walks too many people. This is the dark side of Liriano, the one no one ever mentions.

4:37 Grounder to Hughes...throw to first.... OUT! IN MY FACE! These guys are awesome.

4:40 Something to get used to: the YES network retards refer to Target Field as Target Center. Sigh. They proceed to complain about the weather in MN, including a reference to "the biggest mosquitos in the world." Sigh. I bet you want to hear all the stereotypes I know about New York? No? STFU then.

4:44 Gomez hits a bomb over the left field wall. His swing looked super wild, though. That's going to be the thing with Gomez offensively I think. He will be a Jacque Jones-type in that he has all the talent and the ability to produce monster games. However, it sure seems as though he is going to be MADDENINGLY inconsistent!

4:45 Larry-ahno makes Shelley Long- er- Duncan wave at a breakin' ball. I hate you Dan Gladden.

4:51 Johnny Damon sac bunt moves the runners to second and third. In a related note Johnny Damon sacrificed all respect and dignity by leaving the Red Sox for the Yankees. That guy could have been a legend in Boston. Now he is a sissy armed, Ed Hardy wearing chum.............p.

4:58 Del-mon! Del-mon! Del-mon! A sharp single up the middle, and Delmon is 2-2. He even went first to third on a ball that squirted through Pedroia into very shallow right field the other night. Del-mon! Del-mon!

5:00 Delmon takes second on a passed ball. He actually looked to be running.......Hard even.... Trade him now! While his value is soaring! Kubel looks poised to bash him in...

5:02 And by "bash him in" I meant "take a walk." Meh.

5:03 Busch DESTROYS a pitch off the right field wall, scoring two. Impressive hits, but as Lou Brown says "Off a pitcher who will be bagging groceries in a week!"

5:05 Holy Crap! It's 5-3?! That can't be right. Luke Hughes grounder eludes A-Roid for an RBI. It's now 6-3. I'm gonna have to Tivo this game to see all this scoring again.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stop the Presses!

Kerry Wood "Pulls a Crede"

No way Kerry Wood is injured with a hurt back!? Also, A-Rod did steroids? Micheal Jackson molested children? Get out! There's a lady that had EIGHT babies? The last episode of Family Guy was not funny? News to me! I overheard someone say January in Minnesota is cold, I was all "Since when?"


Kevin Youkilis is a douche.
He has that annoying lisp, like Rube Baker in Major League 2, and I am convinced the rumor (RUMOR) that his facial hair is solely in place to cover his STDs is totally true. Please let it be true. Last night on the NESN broadcast they had a short interview (felt like eternity) with (P)Youk in which he announced he has shaved his goatee and grown a Fu Manchu. Obnoxious in itself, more obnoxious considering he NAMED IT HIMSELF. You-Fu. It's one thing to acquire a nickname for yourself or a distinguishing feature, but it's another thing entirely to NAME YOUR OWN F-ING stache. I promise he has named his own penis. And it's name is Burny.

Perkins an Asshole?
Souhan more or less goes out of his way in this morning's Strib to call Glen Perkins an asshole. He quotes Gardy as saying his fundamentals were "lazy," and that advice just seemed to go "la la la la la" or, in one ear and out the other, when Perkins was first coming up in the system. The problem is Souhan never really brings the story full circle, which makes Perkins seem like a jerk who never changed his ways.

The last few paragraphs (throw-aways like most Souhan columns) mention Perkins working out in Lakeville with Jessie Crain. Souhan asked Minnesota native Perkins why he doesn't move south in the winter.

"Why?" he said. "I like the cornfields. I'm a Minnesotan. Stupid question."

There is no mention of a grin, or whimsy smile. That quote, read by me, came off as extremely asshole-ish. "Stupid question(PERIOD)." Boy he seems unsavory. He doesn't listen, is lazy in his preparations and is short and cocky with his words. Boy, Souhan, thanks for exposing this jerk.

But after reading this MPR interview I am not sure what to think. He seems okay there....

On the other hand, Souhan is Never, ever, ever, ever wrong about anything. So.....

Two interviews do not make a man, but something tells me Souhan is the asshole.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First fantasy draft! Live Blog Pt 1

Trolling the Yahoo message boards, I came across an invitation to what would seem to be very unique league. A league for Yahoo champions (a term used very, very loosely) that had roster positions of C,1B,2B,3B,SS,LF,CF,RF,SP,RP,B,B,B,B,B,B. So I will be drafting this team as though I were drafting a real baseball team, with a rotation and what-not.

I have the third pick, and make no mistake this is a wake and bake situation...

The draft is in 4 minutes..... some nuggets.

How about a real time photo?

9:30 am: First pick- Hanley Ramirez. Personally, I have a hard time taking players from bad teams as my first couple picks. Hanley is a monster but I have my tics.

9:31 am: With Pujols going second (an injury risk IMO) I opt for Jose Reyes third. Truth be told, I would take him with my FIRST pick if I needed to. It's a guaranteed win for the SB category.

9:32 am: A-Rod, Hamilton, Sizemore (!) and Miguel Cabrera go next. Sizemore is super talented and one of the funnest players to watch in MLB. But a fantasy stud?! I say no.

9:34- Three picks away from Santana in round 2! Come to daddy!

9:35 Sabathia goes before Johan! HAHAHAHAHA! You want to talk about a FAIL waiting to happen! Wait until CC feels that NY pressure. Plus, did you know they have hot dog stands ON EVERY STREET CORNER?! This will not end well, pinky promise.

9:37 The pick before me took BJ fricking Upton! WTF? I am not taking anyone KNOWN for jogging to first base on grounders.

9:37 This league has been Santana'd. With my third round pick I take 33 MVP. This is going to be a very, very good year.

9:40 I am looking at getting Joe Nathan and Joe Mauer in the fourth and fifth rounds. .... Got Nathan but do I grab Mauer or wait for Weiter?

9:44 Hard to pass up the reigning AL Cy Young winner, Cliff Lee in the fifth round. Pitching would seem to be very important in a league like this.... Catcher will have to wait.

9:45 Shit. The next three picks are Mauer, Soto, and McCann. I am in a little trouble here.

9:46 Weiters and Doumit still on board with three picks ahead of me. Crossing fingers and toes.

9:47 FUDGE! Weiters goes directly in front of me! Panic pick and take Jay Bruce. Come on, man, do NOT go on tilt already! The catcher fallout is a HUGE BLOW!

9:49 With the next pick, I relent and take Ryan Doumit. Not a big fan, but the next catchers on the board were Posada, Shoppach, Snyder and a few Molinas. Not pretty. So far I have drafted Reyes, Santana, Morneau, Cliff Lee, Doumit, Jay Bruce and Joe Nathan. Dec.

9:52 Third base is looking pretty grim. Zimmerman, Huff and Figgins remain, with Encarnacion and Adrian Beltre on the next teir. I will never, ever draft Encarnacion. I will roll with an empty spot on my roster. That guy is one of the biggest fantasy cock teases there is.

Fantasy Cock Teases, pt 1:

Encarnacion, E
Wells, V
Hunter, T
Milledge, L
Tejada, M
Sheets, B

First fantasy draft! Live Blog Pt 2

9:56 Fine, I'll take Brad Lidge in the EIGHTH ROUND! Actually that should read different: HELL YES I WILL TAKE LIDGE IN THE EIGHTH ROUND! YIPEEEEEE!

9:59 Sheilds or Kazmir!!! Sheilds or Kazmir???? SHEILDS OR KAZMIR?!?!

10:00 Draft Kazmir, with a K.

1002 I am starting to get bored. Waiting out 22 nerds to pick is like waiting out a slow chick flick in that once in a while there is something to make fun of, but the rest of the time you struggle just to stay awake.

10:05 Took a flyer on Nelson Cruz of Texas. This warrants further research, since I barely know who the hell he is. According to The Bill James Handbook 2009, Cruz is projected to go (.278-28-85). I'll take it if it happens, but I am not terribly happy with the pick. Sigh. So it goes.

10:08 Talent running low, I take Jose Lopez to play 2B. I was going to be content with Casilla but Lopez carried one of my teams in August last year and I am a stickler for continuity.

10:14 Draft Adrian Beltre to play 3B. Joe Crede is ranked super, super low so I should be able to grab him late and stash him on the bench.

10:15 Here is a debate for you in round 13- Greinke or Volquez?! I defer, since I have Johan, Kazmir and Lee and take Moneybags Hunter. I figure he MIGHT hit 30 HR this year, worth a 14th round flier. Possible trade bait?

10:20 Denard Span. Easy pick. Pops seems to think he will have a huge year, and he is my favorite Twin. Hey, I don't have to explain myself to you!!

10:23 Had to choose between Matt Garza and such standouts as Johnny Cueto (crap), Matt Cain (more crap), P Chris Young (super crap) and Max Scherzer (hot garbage). Makes you kinda miss Joe Mays.

10:29 Fine, I'll take the ACE OF THE TWINS STAFF with the 192nd pick. So this is my rotation (since we play this league as though there is a "rotation")
1. Johan Santana
2. Cliff Lee
3. Scott Kazmir
4. Scott Baker
5. Matt Garza
...Is that good? (And yes, it makes me very sad that three of these guys WERE ON THE SAME TEAM in 2006 and now are on 3 seperate teams...)

10:31 Crede!

Fantasy cock teases, pt II

Greene, K
Weaver, Jared

Crisp, C

Blalock, H
Hernandez, Ramon

10:35 Draft Dioneer Navarro to back up Doumit. I like Navarro a lot and honestly would have been satisfied with him as my starter. A steal this late. My next pick is Kevin Slowey. It was between him and Gavin Floyd, and I would never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever take a Pale Ho over a Twin. I am such a nerd.

10:45 With my last pick I usually try to reach for a sleeper, this year I took Ben Sheets. Hardly a sleeper, more of a reach. At least there are 2 DL spots.....

Final Roster (satisfaction scale of 1-5)
C Doumit (3)
1B Justin (5)
2B Lopez (3)
SS Jose Reyes (7)
3B Beltre (2)
LF Bruce (4)
CF Hunter (2)
RF Nelson Cruz (1? 5?)
Util D Span (4)

BN1 Crede (2)
BN2 Casilla (4)
BN3 Navarro (4)

SP1 Santana (5)
SP2 C Lee (4)
SP3 Kazmir (5)
SP4 Garza (4)
SP5 Baker (4)

BN Slowey (3)
BN Sheets (2)

RP1 Nathan (5)

BN Lidge (5)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

USA Final WBC Roster

Name League Organization Position Bats/Throws

Broxton, Jonathan MLB Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher Right/Right

Fuentes, Brian MLB Los Angeles Angels Pitcher Left/Left

Guthrie, Jeremy MLB Baltimore Orioles Pitcher Right/Right

Howell, J.P. MLB Tampa Bay Rays Pitcher Left/Left

Lilly, Ted MLB Chicago Cubs Pitcher Left/Left

Lindstrom, Matt MLB Florida Marlins Pitcher Right/Right

Nathan, Joe MLB Minnesota Twins Pitcher Right/Right

Oswalt, Roy MLB Houston Astros Pitcher Right/Right

Peavy, Jake MLB San Diego Padres Pitcher Right/Right

Putz, J.J. MLB New York Mets Pitcher Right/Right

Ryan, B.J. MLB Toronto Blue Jays Pitcher Left/Left

Shields, Scot MLB Los Angeles Angels Pitcher Right/Right

Thornton, Matt MLB Chicago White Sox Pitcher Left/Left

Ziegler, Brad MLB Oakland Athletics Pitcher Right/Right

Iannetta, Chris MLB Colorado Rockies Catcher Right/Right

McCann, Brian MLB Atlanta Braves Catcher Left/Right

DeRosa, Mark MLB Cleveland Indians Utility Right/Right

Jeter, Derek MLB New York Yankees Infielder Right/Right

Jones, Chipper MLB Atlanta Braves Infielder Switch/Right

Pedroia, Dustin MLB Boston Red Sox Infielder Right/Right

Rollins, Jimmy MLB Philadelphia Phillies Infielder Switch/Right

Wright, David MLB New York Mets Infielder Right/Right

Youkilis, Kevin MLB Boston Red Sox Infielder Right/Right

Braun, Ryan MLB Milwaukee Brewers Outfielder Right/Right

Granderson, Curtis MLB Detroit Tigers Outfielder Left/Right

Hawpe, Brad MLB Colorado Rockies Outfielder Left/Left

Sizemore, Grady MLB Cleveland Indians Outfielder Left/Left

Bonser to have "exploratory surgery" according to

Doctor: "Well, we found the problem. There was a meatball clogging your shoulder."
Boof: Well, where is it?
Doctor: Where's what?
Boof: The meatball.
Doctor: I threw it out.
Boof: You....... you bastard.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Twins Weekly Link Dump

AP / February 22, 2009

According to LaVelle , Joe Crede is "Pretty close to full health." We know, LaVelle, we know. Please let us know when he is "at full health."

The signing makes the Twins favorites to win the AL Central, according to Phil Rogers of the Chicago Trib.

According to Kelly Theiser, the Twins have made no offer to Juan Cruz. I suggest getting on that, ASAP.

Scotty B will be the opening day starter at the dome April 6th.

At least one San Francisco columnist is in a tizzy over Crede coming here over San Fran.

Mark Sheldon reports on a former Twin who hasn't exactly "found his groove" since leaving Minnie.

Torii Hunter is starting to feel how he has already started to play: OLD

This is an older Joe C. item, but recession be damned, the Twins are fittin to make it rain at 34 Kirby Puckett Place.

Johan is apparently more relaxed and in better shape than last year. Good luck, NL East...