Thursday, February 26, 2009


Kevin Youkilis is a douche.
He has that annoying lisp, like Rube Baker in Major League 2, and I am convinced the rumor (RUMOR) that his facial hair is solely in place to cover his STDs is totally true. Please let it be true. Last night on the NESN broadcast they had a short interview (felt like eternity) with (P)Youk in which he announced he has shaved his goatee and grown a Fu Manchu. Obnoxious in itself, more obnoxious considering he NAMED IT HIMSELF. You-Fu. It's one thing to acquire a nickname for yourself or a distinguishing feature, but it's another thing entirely to NAME YOUR OWN F-ING stache. I promise he has named his own penis. And it's name is Burny.

Perkins an Asshole?
Souhan more or less goes out of his way in this morning's Strib to call Glen Perkins an asshole. He quotes Gardy as saying his fundamentals were "lazy," and that advice just seemed to go "la la la la la" or, in one ear and out the other, when Perkins was first coming up in the system. The problem is Souhan never really brings the story full circle, which makes Perkins seem like a jerk who never changed his ways.

The last few paragraphs (throw-aways like most Souhan columns) mention Perkins working out in Lakeville with Jessie Crain. Souhan asked Minnesota native Perkins why he doesn't move south in the winter.

"Why?" he said. "I like the cornfields. I'm a Minnesotan. Stupid question."

There is no mention of a grin, or whimsy smile. That quote, read by me, came off as extremely asshole-ish. "Stupid question(PERIOD)." Boy he seems unsavory. He doesn't listen, is lazy in his preparations and is short and cocky with his words. Boy, Souhan, thanks for exposing this jerk.

But after reading this MPR interview I am not sure what to think. He seems okay there....

On the other hand, Souhan is Never, ever, ever, ever wrong about anything. So.....

Two interviews do not make a man, but something tells me Souhan is the asshole.


  1. I don't think preperations is a word.


  3. Poor argument, being that is was spelled correctly in the link to the dictionary but incorrectly in the blog.

    At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
