Friday, May 15, 2009

Alex Rodriguez and his Aching Vagina

Dear Diary,

Today I woke up and boy, did my lil' vagina hurt. I rubbed it and put my special cream the doctor gave me on it but nothing could take away the hurt.

I called my bestest rich friend Mark Texasarea and he said that his pussy was hurting, too! What ever were we going to do?

We traced it back to that gosh-darned Carlos Gomez. When he ran into Mark Texasarea at first base, I sure was mad! I made sure to show the umpire exactly what Gomez did to him, by violently gesturing with my elbow! It looked EXACTLY LIKE I DID WHEN I TRIED TO SLAP THE BALL OUT OF ARROYO'S GLOVE IN THE ALCS!

God, why am I such a cheating, roid taking, pussy having bitch boy paper champion?

Please respond asap

Your Pal,


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