Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Game 34, And the Dad Inevitability.

S132 R18 S28 6/3/09

Anytime my Dad decides to come to the Twins game, it is usually a bad idea. I don't know what the Twins' record is with my dad in the stands but I would be willing to bet it is something like 4-67.
It doesn't help his cause that most of the games he took me to were in the mid-to-late 1990's.

Tonights game was awful. If you want to hear about it, go watch Baseball Tonight. Although at this point Twins-Indians might not even make it on the show, lest they run out of time for Dave Winfield to croon mustachioed insight.

Tonight's game, fanwise, was awesome though. I got to go to the game with Pops (who was buyin'(!)), Sis, and Bro. Sis and bro are unimaginative psudeonyms, to be sure. Rest assured they will not come up again.

Pops has been taking me to games since I was a little guy. I can easily recall many nights at the Met Center cheering on the North Stars. I remember a few old Vikings games (I remember I was a HUGE Jim McMahon fan when he played for us...Two concussions in one game? Someone get a door sized poster...) here and there. But boy, do I remember the Twins games like they were yesterday.

Digression: Have you ever sat down and thought, really hard, about the concept of professional sports and the pathetic fact that we the people worship them? Stay with me here. If you push your brain to really think about it, like the way you think of the vastness of space you will see a bleak reality.

From the way we pay money we don't have, to watch stranger millionaires play a game made for children in a stadium WE paid for, to the way the athletes themselves lose touch with reality and therein the very people that make their way of life possible: the fans.

You think about it. Go ahead, let yourself get all worked up. Get sad if that is more natural to you. Go talk to others about it, and get them all questioning their very existence. Again, if they cry that is fine.

Just when you think it's all over, as if you have hit some crazy maturity level and could never love sports again, go to a game. I dare you not to get into it.

Sigh. So it goes.

COMPANY: Marty (2), Kevin (3), Katers (1)
Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 29,336 (62.9% full)
Seat Cost: $0(!!)Thanks Dad!
Parking cost: $0.00
Total Spent: $0
Season Total: $354.93 ($10.43/gm)


This dumbass actually posed for her Dbag fan picture! Honestly, do you have eyes or just slits where your eyes should be. What an idiot.

The Twins showed little life against Lee, except when Gomez tried to confront him following a flyout in the fifth. While peacemaking first baseman Victor Martinez was blocking Gomez's path and ushering him toward the dugout, the TV replay showed Lee taunt Gomez by saying, "Why didn't you bunt that time?"

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