Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Separated At Birth!!!! White Sox Edition!!!!!

This week: The Pale Hoes from the South Side.

First Up, everyone's favorite closer, Bobby Jenks. Cool Beard!

Boy With Balls On Chin Agrees!

There's Sox hurler Jose Contreras. Say, he looks an awful lot like......

Fictional prisoner Simon Adebisi. Odd.

Hypothetical steroid user AJ Pierzynski

and his long lost brother Yertle The Turtle

White Sox skipper, gentleman and scholar Ozzie Guillen

shares a few features Pepe Le Peau

Lookie here, it's Cuban rookie sensation Alexei Ramirez

And the one and only Starvin' Marvin

Mark Buehrle
only pitches night games

To keep his skin pale like long lost kin Clip Art Dracula

Well, if it isn't Twins killer Jim Thome

And Baby Huey! How adorable!

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