Friday, May 8, 2009

11-0...Is that good? Game 20!

S238 R22S15 05/08/09

My love for Joe Mauer has evolved from Man-crush to Bromance to Guy Love. I'm only a couple seconds from stalker mode. Wife, however, still loves her some Kubel. What does she know? Hail Joe!

DBAG Fan UvDagizame Son

Hey, Jerk ass group of too drunk college kids: Your schtick only works if you are good looking. On a related note, your skirts only work if you are good looking, too. When you fell down a row and your ass (literally) fell out of your pants, I heard people gagging. I'm just sayin....

Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 29,714 (63.7% full)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: $1.50
Total Spent: $4.58
Season Total: $268.47($13.42/gm)

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