Sunday, May 24, 2009

Game 28 and the Douchebag fan...OF THE SEASON!

S238 R15 S17 5/24/09

So, I am up in 238 watching a 1-1 tie game when Wife receives a text message. Apparently, a couple of her work friends were at the game and wanted to meet up with us. This would normally be just fine until she told me her "friends" were Brewers fans. Sigh.

I still decided to shrug it off. Brewers fans are the worst fans on the face of the Earth, but Wife is entitled to have friends right? Right?

I figured at worst there would be a couple cute chicks in Rickie Weeks shirts, cheering drunkenly and playfully taunting me. So be it. I have done the same thing in Miller Park plenty of times and I am no stranger to angering the locals when in an opposing stadium. What I got were two girls in neutral clothing (score!) who seemed drunk but pleasant. I prematurely felt as though I had overreacted and began to relax.

However, as these ladies sat down, I saw someone drooling and stumbling up the stairs in a Dorsey Levens Packers jersey. My heart dropped as he made a right turn into our row, making everyone stand up in the middle of an at bat. I nearly shit as he plopped his smelly, jean shorts wearing ass next to Wife's lady pals and began drunkenly propositioning the two 12 year old, braces wearing girls in the row in front of us. This guy was, indeed, WITH them!

I tried suuuuper hard to ignore him, despite Wife's pleas to "please be nice to my friend." I put my hand on the side of my face as a sort of blinder and apologized to the fans around us via body language.

He began with that stupid damn "Bill (clap clap clap) Hall (clap clap clap)" chant that makes me want to shove a yard stick up Brewers fan's cheese-holes. Bill Hall was not even hitting at this point, so I politely gave him the dirtiest look EVER. My hand instinctively balled into a fist as my blood pressure rose.

He looked at me and mumbled something along the lines of "Why ishh ith that thuh Twinssss alwayys can beat up Brewers, buttt no one elsse?" (Editors note: Misspelled words are supposed to imply slurring drunkenness.)

I responded with "How many Championships do the Brewers have in franchise history?" He responded deftly with "We aren't talking about football." Sigh. What do I expect from a guy that supports a team RUN BY BUD SELIG?

When Mr. Canada hit his game deciding GRAND SLAM in the bottom of the 7th, it was on. I stood right in front of Dorsey the Douche and gave him the most sarcastic thumbs up ever recorded. I stood on my chair and started chanting "Let's Go Brewers!" as loud as I could.

I even turned around, while still standing on my seat, and started deliberately taking cell phone pictures of depressed Brewers fans. Sadly, I was so excited about all of this the pictures themselves were crap, but the reaction of these turds to my pic taking was priceless...

COMPANY: Wife (5)
Food/Bev: Sprite (1@$4.50)
Attendance: 38,959 (83.5% full)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: $2.00
Total Spent: $9.58
Season Total: $326.53 ($11.66/gm)

"Morneau's homer off Mitch Stetter came one pitch after Stetter hit Mauer in the right wrist with a pitch. Gardenhire had an animated discussion with plate umpire Adrian Johnson after the pitch, before the umpire saw the ball hit Mauer and not his bat."I didn't know what was going on and I started walking back to the on-deck circle because I thought he was telling Joe to go back and hit," Morneau said. "I just went up there. I wasn't thinking about anything. It probably helped me."Mauer, who improved his batting average to .438, homered in the first off Dave Bush (3-1) and singled in the third. He has 10 home runs this month."Making pitches to Mauer is one thing. He still hits them out," Milwaukee manager Ken Macha said. "The next at-bat, he threw him some curveballs, some good ones, and the guy gets a base hit. This guy's locked in.'"


  1. From a Metrodome beer vendor's perspective I can state without any doubt that Brewer fans are the whinniest, drunken, tight-wads that ever step hoof into the Dome.

    I understand that paying $6.75 for a beer isn't the same as pabut do 95% of you have to bitch to the guy sweating hiying $4 for a pitcher of Old Swillwaukee back in cheeseland, but do 9 out of 10 of you annoying drunk-asses have to bitch about the price to the vendor.

    Also along the lines of being a cheapass. The only people tighter with a dollar than the "freebie crowd" is a Brewer fan. Like I already wrote, beers are $6.75. I now times are tough, so when people say, "keep the quarter" when they pass down $7 I slide it back into my apron, smile, and say "thank you". It isn't much and they all add up. But seriously, sticking your hand out to get that quarter back is just pathetic! It's a stinkin quarter. Tip whatever you can as a kind gesture and thank you for the service. I talked to several of my "colleagues" who had the exact same experience over the weekend.

    I love seeing the big crowds at the Dome and I had some of my best games selling this year, but 3 games a year against the losers from Wisconsin are enough. Stay on your side of the river the rest of the year.

    A "freebie crowd" by the way is anyone that only goes to games when the Twins are giving away a bobble head doll, or I cringe just picturing them...a Dairy Queen Twins cap.

  2. Don't know what happened, but here's what the 2nd paragraph should say:

    I understand that paying $6.75 for a bottle of beer isn't the same as paying $4 for a pitcher of Old Swillwaukee back in cheeseland, but do 9 out of 10 of you annoying drunk-asses have to bitch about the price to the vendor. Hey, "I just work here", but if I could, I'd charge you double.

  3. I couldn't agree more. I am server at the MOA and there is a spike in poor tips any time the Packers or Vikings come to town. Don't even get me started on Badger football "guests." Sigh.
