Thursday, May 28, 2009

Game 32 and the worst Usher on Earth.

S227 R10 S1 5/28/09

Dbag USHER of the game

Previously I had mentioned a particularly awful experience I had while itting in my "season" tickets up in 227. Well, we had another AWFUL one on this Thursday but at least we discovered why.

Gar, the octogenarian guardian of section 227, is the worst usher on Earth. There are only a few basic tasks for ushering at the Dome, and you fail most of them, Gar.

1. Make people wait until the end of an at-bat before letting them putz up the stairs.
I have seats on the aisle (Admittedly, a mistake in hindsight) and when people walk up the adjacent stairs, I LITERALLY CANNOT SEE HOME PLATE. This is an important part of my viewing enjoyment. The fact that you do not try to STOP ANYONE is very, very frustrating.

2. Make sure the base of the stairs is clear of lingering spectators.
Again, this is not hard and I do not see any other usher having a problem with this. However, at this particular game I had to walk down THREE TIMES to clear people just standing on the railing for over a half inning. Shit, once I actually had to walk all the way down to the railing to ask YOU to move out of the way. Sigh.

3. Hand out All Star Ballots
Okay, this part was pretty sad. This guy could not make it up the stairs without a loud grunt and desperate grab of a seat to pull himself up. That's right, the guy could not walk up stairs without support and, not only that, but he grasped desperately at the occupied aisle seat in each row in lieu of the handrail. This comically caused each person seated on the aisle to recoil in horror and dive out of his way.

4. Be Pleasant and Helpful
Wow, pleasant? Not quite. Think Grumpy Old Men, only grumpier and older. Double Sigh.

COMPANY: The G Man (2)
Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 23,958 (51.4% full)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: $2.50
Total Spent: $5.58
Season Total: $351.85 ($10.99/gm)

"I couldn't believe he threw me out, honestly," Redmond said. "I don't go out there, ever, to get thrown out. Especially knowing that Joe's DHing. I can't get thrown out. I really can't get thrown out. I didn't swear at him. I didn't do anything. He just had a short fuse I guess."

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