Saturday, June 20, 2009

Game 43 Yee Haw!

So tonight was Twins Cowboy hat night. I circled this date on the calendar in April, and knew I needed one. What I didn't anticipate was everyone and their brother also having the same idea.

During my day at work, it seemed like everyone visiting said they were on their way to the Twins game, and that they were going to get there early to get a cowboy hat. Two buddies had texted me the same. The gates opened at four for the six pm game and there were 10,000 hats available. I was scheduled to be off work at 5. Uh-oh.

I am not a cowboy, at all. In fact Brokeback Mountain pretty much ruined the whole cowboy deal for me. But there was something about that hat that simply called my name. I knew that no job could keep me from my newest irrational need.

I talked my way into leaving work at 3:45, and hit the road.

Parking at a meter, I made my way to the Metrodome. As I passed HCMC I had a terrible realization: Today is the "Twins Autograph Party." That means thousands of fans would be there already, standing in hours-long lines to collect signatures of millionaires for decoration and/or profit.

I was skeptical, even as I approached the gates at the early hour of 4:15. And the hats were gone.

No, I'm just kidding. I got one. But they were all gone by 5:05, and they are currently selling for (relatively) big bucks right now on ebay.

COMPANY: None (16)
Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 34,710 (74.4% full)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: $2.50
Total Spent: $5.58
Season Total: $587.83 ($13.67/gm)

D-Bag FAMILY of the Game!

This guy had on a bright yellow Kobe Bryant jersey with no undershirt with bright yellow breakaway pants to match. To make matters worse, his daughter (?) was wearing a 99 Ramirez Dodgers jersey. Super yikes.

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