S208 R8 S14 07/09/09

Child Abuse

Artie Lange's less funny (yet better looking) cousin

Super mini jean skirt with tights pulled up past the knees, topped off by Crocs. Well played.

This "couple" was drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade, a sure sign of an Iowan pig in the city...

This guy is ready to play for the Yankees RIGHT NOW. Official Uni? Check. Yankees cap? Check. Douche Goatee? Check. Jean Shorts? Check.

Why the hell are all the Yankee fans looking at the sky? In New York, the sky is no longer blue. Due to a lethal combination of smog/smug the sky above NYC is always gloomy gray.

Diaper wearing Yankee fans. Yum.

Have you seen my baseball?
This guy was playing with the Motor for a boat that the Twins were giving away. I tried bribing the attendant for the keys to start it and thereby shred his hands all up, but to no avail.

Another Attractive Skankee

The prettiest Yankee fan in all of Nebraska.

Let's see, if I take my Cialis now, and the game ends at ten.....

Excuse me, I bought this program from you for a dollar, and Mickey Mantle is not listed on the Yankees roster... Am I to understand he will not be playing today?

After the game both of these men were arrested for grand douchebaggery.

Child Molester, Iowa Police Officer, or Both? You make the call.

Nebraskan "Powder" Joe Malloy makes the trip. He is the first albino from his colony to attend an MLB game. Congrats!

Kid in A-Rod T Shirt and the father who stopped loving him long, long ago.

This guy was actually pretty pathetic looking. Douche.

Yankee basketball jersey+ Ponytail= WINNER

Hey, lets us leans against this here bathroom wall and eat some snacks, son....
COMPANY:Andy (1), Wife (10)
Food/Bev: Nachos! ($4.25(!!))
Attendance:40,142 (86.1% full)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: $3.00
Total Spent: $10.33
Season Total: $652.56 ($13.04/gm.)
"They just pretty much dominated us at home," Twins manager Ron Gardenhire said. "That's not supposed to happen."
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