Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Game of the Year?

4/07/09 234 R11 S2

Renee Jones Schneider, Star Tribune 04/07/09

I damn near commited a cardinal sin of Twins fandom. After Delmon flew out for the second out in the ninth, I held back tears and gathered my things. I was indeed headed if not for the exits, at least to a door closer to where I parked. I was admitting defeat.

Then, Gomez walked. I saw it on the screen in front of a closing Field Fare stand. I wandered into an aisle to watch. Section 221. Gomez steals second on defensive indifference. Kubel pinch hit, and here is the question:

With Punto on deck and Gomez on second, do you walk Kubel even though he is the tying run?

The M's seemed to think the answer is yes, and Brandon "Meltdown" Morrow unintentionally-intentionally walked him. That put runners on first and second, two outs. Buscher was announced as the pinch hitter for Punto (Where is Chip Hale?) and after 7 fastballs Morrow had walked the bases loaded.

Side note: The older (sorry, if you for God knows what reason read this) usher woman, whom I had nestled up to after aborting my hasty retreat, asked me "Is he doing this (walking them) intentionally?" I had no good answer for her.

Waka waka waka then opted to bring in Miguel Bautista, ensuring doom for all those in Teal and um, more teal. Denard Span hit an infield single that absolutely blew Adrian Beltre's mind, allowing Gogogogo to score. Then, the lost Wayans brother (Alexi), well you know....

Tomorrow night will be Silva, as well as the first Student Night. It ought to be interesting to say the least. Oh, before I forget.... D bag fan of the night.

Hey, I'm the way too drunk third wheel!! Whee!!


Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 23,755 (52%)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: $1.50
Total Spent: $4.58
Season Total: $71.58 (35.29/game)

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