Monday, April 13, 2009

It's only been a week...

Section 208 R1 S3

But to me, a few things are clear

1. Delmon Young is not the answer. I understand the Twins are trying to save face by keeping Young (and probably Harris for that matter) and are trying their hardest to justify giving away Bartlett and Garza. But this is inappropriate due to the fact that we have THREE other outfielders who are ready to contribute NOW. If there is a fly ball hit anywhere down the line, Del will waddle a few steps and play it on a hop or two. Span goes full speed for every ball, but I suppose that's easier when you aren't carrying a baby pouch. I understand that Delmon is 22, and most 22 year olds are in AA and yada yada yada. But this isn't a team that has three or four years to baby a project. Plus, we already have Gomez to frustrate the crap out of us and he is actually likable. Delmon does not fit in here, just ask Gardy or any reporter covering the Twins. Perhaps we send him to the Marlins and let him plod around with other "prospects." I'll take 'Nard Dog.

2. The bullpen will be the nasty demise of this team. Luis Ayala looks awful. The teams reliance on Matt Guerrier and Jesse Crain is an awful, awful thing that has baffled me for years.....And what after that? Humber? No thanks. Duensing? Really? It's not that I don't think the younger guys in the bullpen will eventually good. They simply looked overmatched now, though.

3. If used correctly, R.A. Dickey will have a really nice year in the dome. His knuckler was insane tonight, his first home-dome appearance for the Twins. He had a special place in tonights game as the 'only pitcher who could get anyone out all night for either team.'

4. This could be a rough season for attendance. It was really empty tonight and the scalper situation is out of control. It seems as if tons of people bought season tickets this year for priority next year, with no intention of going to any games in the meantime. This leaves the scalpers with a surplus of tickets, usually for dirt cheap. Man, the place was quiet tonight.
Douchebag FOG! There is something really endearing and (no homo) cute about little kids showing up at the game with their gloves, trying to get a player's attention for that priceless souvenir baseball. It is waaaay less cute when it is three 20 something drunk men, wallowing "Deeeennnnnaaaaarrrrrdddddd!!!!" for seven innings. When he looked up, mercifully, in the eighth inning the men stood and cheered and peed themselves. Sigh.


COMPANY: Zman (2)
Food/Bev: None
Attendance: 16,410 (22%)
Seat Cost: $3.08
Parking cost: 0
Total Spent: $3.08
Season Total: $176.82 ($25.26/gm)

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